
Peddling and Soliciting in Penn Township

In December of 2012, the Penn Township Board of Supervisors adopted the Peddling and Solicitation Ordinance. Resulting from complaints and safety concerns, this ordinance is intended to protect our residents from unwanted contact with solicitors and peddlers and to protect those traveling township roads by limiting peddling and soliciting to only those who have obtained a permit issued by the Township Code Enforcement Officer. At the time of this publication, not one permit has been issued.

In order to obtain a permit, an application must be completed and returned along with an application fee and proof of insurance of a minimum of $1,000,000 in general liability. The full ordinance and application are available on our website under “Applications & Forms”.

To ensure the safety of those on Penn Township roads, no one may collect money for any organization on a public roadway in Penn Township. Selling or soliciting is strictly prohibited on public roadways, roadsides, alleys, neighborhoods or anywhere that a sign is posted prohibiting solicitation.

Violators will be prosecuted and fined for trespassing.

Notice No Soliciting

Resident’s Advised Action

Of course, the best course of action is to never buy from a solicitor or peddler. If there is no one to buy, they will not sell.

If there is a solicitor operating within the township borders without the appropriate permit, please report it to the township office at (610) 869-9620 or by email. Any information that you can gather to pass along to us would be very helpful; website, phone number or business name.